Unlock Optimal Health and Enhance Cellular Rejuvenation

Preclinical and clinical investigations have focused on evaluating the effect of Silica on cellular nutrition and maintaining health.

Silica is a trace element that is considered essential as it is found in almost every function within our body and is a pre-cursor to collagen.

Why Silica?

Silica is vital for the synthesis of collagen in : Connective Tissue, Skin, Joints, Bones, and Vascular System. Collagen is the most abundant protein in connective tissue. It serves as support to the cells and in the transport of nutrients.

Case Study : ANTI-AGING

150 day trial. 51 female participants. Age Group 40-60 years.

Considered healthy after clinical examination and who did not use any mineral supplementation during the study, neither would perform any aesthetic procedure throughout the study.

Recommended dose during the study: 5 mg twice per day for 37.5 weeks


  • 49.6% improvement in general skin appearance

  • 65.1% improvement in skin hydration

  • 44.7% improvement in homogeneity of skin color

  • 115.6% improvement in darkened areas-intensity

  • 140.2% improvement in darkened areas-quantity

  • 67.1% improvement in skin imperfections

  • 58.7% improvement in skin luminosity


  • 52.8% increase in hair hydration

  • 57.7% increase in hair nutrition

  • 52.4% increase in hair softness

  • 58.1% increase in hair vitality

  • 96.6% increase in aging signals

  • 64.8% increase in hair luminosity

Case Study : JOINT PAIN

6-week trial. 30 participants. Age Group 50-74 years

Recommended dose during the study : 60 ml per day of Silica

  • The consumption of Silica had significantly reduced the intensity of joint discomfort in all subgroups

  • 77% of participants noticed a decrease in joint pain after 6 weeks.

  • 70% of the participants were able to perform daily activities that they couldn’t make before consuming Silica.

  • 87% of the participants are now able to move the affected joints easily than before.

  • 50% of the participants suffering from arthritis in elbow and shoulder had declared that they have no discomfort in joints after treatment; having disappeared completely in 6 weeks.

  • 40% of participants that had been suffering from knee pain declared that they no longer experience any joint discomfort after treatment; the pain had disappeared entirely in 6 weeks.